Giselher Schalow

The theory of coordination dynamics therapy

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in Tartu

Coordination dynamics therapy is a therapy to repair the injured central nervous system (CNS) or to improve its functioning in the case of malfunctioning due to diseases or genetic malformation. When the CNS is injured (1) nervous tissue gets destroyed, (2) specific functions are lost or replaced by pathologic CNS organization, and (3) the CNS functioning in general is changed because of the impaired phase and frequency coordination among the firings of neurons giving rise to CNS organization.

Repair of the injured CNS thus includes structural repair (1) and functional reorganization (2) and re-learning of the impaired phase and frequency coordination between the firings of CNS neurons (3). The coordination between neuron firing with respect to time and space is re-learned or learned when exercising on a special coordination dynamics therapy device. When repeating many thousand times per day arm and leg movements coordinated up to 3 to 5ms, the natural impulse patterns (induced in receptors of muscles, skin and joints during physiologic movements) entrain the neuronal networks to give rise to physiologically timed firing of neurons again. With the improvement of phase and frequency coordination between neurons, neuron assemblies (self-organized neural groups) and between arms and legs, some CNS functions re-appear spontaneously or improve.

To re-learn further CNS functions, especially when generated specifically in certain subnetworks which have been destroyed, other subnetworks of the CNS have to take over functions or structural repair (including the building of new nerve cells) is necessary.

Structural repair seems to be possible by training automatisms like creeping, crawling, walking and running. Thousands of years ago, the escape mechanism running was that important that repair may be supported genetically. Since structural repair is a repair mechanism, its speed is probably limited, and repair may need months or even years.

I could measure that motoneurons fire oscillatory in the human spinal cord for high activation [1]. There are intricate and easy coordinations between the different rhythms of the oscillatory firing motoneurons. This oscillatory firing of motoneurons for high activation is probably generated by the self-organization of network oscillators each consisting of a motoneuron and other neurons (neural assembly) in the spinal cord. There is relative coordination between the firings of these premotor spinal oscillators. Rhythm coupling, symmetries and restoring relative phase coordination [2] are therefore important in the process of organization and re-organization of CNS neural networks, especially if spinal cord neural networks have been destroyed.

Since with the re-organization of the lesioned CNS the functions of the neuronal networks change, the mainly movement therapy used so far has to be adapted to the stage of reorganization. This requires practical and theoretical knowledge of the integrated functions of the human nervous system. A good performance is necessary to re-learn motor functions. Co-movement, interpersonal coordination, instructive training and induction of automatisms (among others) are necessary to bring the patient to an acceptable movement performance.

Selected publications

  1. Schalow, G.: Oscillatory firing of single human sphincteric a2 and a3-motoneurons reflexly activated for the continence of urinary bladder and rectum. Restoration of bladder function in paraplegia. Electromyogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 31: 323-355, 1991.

  2. Schalow, G., Bersch, U., Michel, D. and Koch, H.G.: Detrusor-sphincteric dyssynergia in humans with spinal cord lesions may be caused by a loss of stable phase relations between and within oscillatory firing neuronal networks of the sacral micturition centre. J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. 52: 181-202, 1995.